I don't belong here, do i?
I'm just not good enough to be part of the _ _ _ _ _ _.
I'm tiredd of all the shit.
Just leave me alone..
Surprisingly, Soonkee's and my mum's birthday happens to be on the same date which is on Christmas! ;DD
I've nothing much to blog because i'm overwhelmed by the news that i'm in S1 instead of S3 which sucks. Anyway, refer to 09S3 class blog because i've a little something for you guys. ;D
-21/12/09 - 22/12/09-
Packed my things early in the morning and head off to AMK mrt to meet up with Kejun! Trained all the way to Pasir Ris because we're are going chalet! ;D Reach Downtown in the noon and waited for Yixuan and Dongfang to come. Huiting, Kejun and i were chatting while watching dvd! ;D We went out to buy our lunch after Yixuan reached, then met Dongfang at Macs. Had our lunch in the chalet room while watching dvd again. lOlx. Then we went out in the evening to rent our bicycles because we planned to go night cycling! We carriedd a total of 4bikes upp to our chalet room while can really kill all of us. -.- Bought Pizza and satay for our dinner! ;D Then continued watching dvd shows till late at night and started taking photos! LOL. Had lots of fun then a lady from the next door came to complain that we're too noisy. But we don't really care! Carried the bikes down at around 2am and off we go for night cycling! ;D Cycling in the rain was funn lah! Hee. At first we're cycling in the neighbourhood, then we rode to the Pasir Ris park. That's a lot of stars in the sky man! So beautiful. ;D We rest at around 4plus and started talking about our sec1 life in mf. Hahaha! Really miss mf a lot! Slacked till 5plus while waiting for the sun to rise! The sun is taking a lot time, so Dongfang and Kejun head back to the chalet first while Yixuan, Huiting and i continued to wait. Our butts hurts like shit because that seat of the bicycles were damn hard. LOL. In the end, we waited till the sky becomes bright, but we didn't see the sun at all. -.- Ride back to the chalet at around 7am in the morning. Took turns to bathe and pack our stuffs. Returns the bikes and head off to PS. All of us nap in the bus and we didn't managed to see JayChou because Kejun and i were super tiredd. lOlx. Home sweet home in the noon! ;DD The chalet is funn! ;D And last of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY YIXUAN! ;D <3
-23/12/09, Wednesday-
Took a quick bath and went out to amk Macs to meet Benjamin. lOlx. Had a great time chatting with him while waiting for dear to come. =) Soonkee and i helped Benjamin to wrapped his present because he doesn't know how to. LOL. =X Hahaha! Then we headed to Tampines after helping Benjamin. Walked around Tampines to look for presents which can be so tiring. =X Had our lunch-cum-dinner at Pasta! Then heard that all the Chem peeps had changed class to S1 instead. Totally had no mood while having lunch. F*ck school. Hais. No matter what, i still have to accept it. I guess 2010 won't be a good year for me bah. That's all then!
Rotting at home. Will be going out at night. Emo in between. ;D I hate it when i have to adapt to everything again when i've gotten used to it. Screw my life.
daddy, i miss you..
Hais. I don't even look forward to anything nowadays.
What am i suppose to do? D;
That silly guy asked me to blog this, 'Soonkee's the best!' LOL. There it is! Hmmm, this is going to be a random post i guess. I just got a mosquito bite on my upper lip. -.- I'm boredd at home! Anyway, i will be going chalet this Sunday! Wahahah! Gotta pack my things soon! =) What can i do while waiting..?
Woke up in the noon yesterday and waited for jie to come home. lOlx. Rachel came to our house too. Slacked awhile and i went to change the hamsters' bathing stuff. I washed the whole tank until i'm also wet. =X Watched tv again while waiting for dinner to be ready. Bathed, had my dinner and mum drove jie and i to J8. Bought presents for xinn and cabbed to her house. Chit-chat and played with the hamsters. lOlx. Wahahaha! i drank alcohols again! =X But okay lah, never drink much because it's not that nice. =) Nicole and Burger was there also. We chat until 3plus in the morning then went to sleep. Hahaha! Woke up at 10plus, wash up and head back Yck with jie because she has lessons but she was late. =X And i had a wonderful exercise session just now. LOL. When i reached the door after walking back, then i realised that i didn't bring my keys out yesterday, so i walked to the stall to get keys from kor. Then i walked all the way back home again! D; so tiring sia. lOlx. That's all i guess! Will be going out at around 5plus to find Soonkee after his work! =D
Finally the clique managed to meet up yesterday! But sadly, not everyone was there. D; Soonkee and i trained to Somerset to meet Jiahan and Clinton, so just nice that Eliza and Kelvin were walking towards us when we're going out. lOlx. Head over to Cine to watch New Moon again. =D Then we trained to Dhoby Ghaut to have our dinner! We actually planned to eat at Cafe Cartel, but it was crowded with people and the queue was quite long, so we ended up having our dinner at Fish&Co. They each received a goodie bag from me! LOL. We walked back to the mrt station in the rain while Eliza board a bus home. Crapped a lot during the journey back in train! LOL. We talked about our class and what changes will there be. The guys are really badd. lOlx. I shall not reveal what they have said in the train. We did had a great time laughing though. Hahaha! Dear accompanied me home, we slacked awhile at the void deck till going 11pm and off he goes. =) It's tiring to plan all these stuffs, but i guess it's still worthwhile. =dd
Woke up at around 7plus to make sure that Soonkee's awake because he's working today. lOlx. Then i went back to sleep again after texting a few messages. =X I had this really badd dream when i went back to sleep. =/ I've dreamt about the first part before, but the second part was the hurtful one. The moment i woke up from the dream, i criedd. I really hope that it's just a nightmare of mine and it will never come true. =/ Nothing to do now actually. Soonkee's working, jie's schooling and i'm rotting. =X That's all i guess. =)
the part where you almost kiss her,
it hurts the most,
even when it's just a dream..
Damn, my energy is draining fast recently despite sleeping till noon. I wonder what's happening to my body. =/ Went out with Huiting and Kejun on Wednesday to get Yixuan's present! =D Finally i managed to make it this time! Really do miss going out with them. =) Did quite abit of work with Soonkee recently. At least i don't have to rot at home! ;D Hmmm, i've been in daze super often, thinking of something i guess. =/ Nothing to blog leh. lOlx.
i guess i'm slowly walking out of it.
but i will never forget about you,
i love you, daddy. =)
i wonder if what i did that time was right.
some things became better, while some became worse.
i really hope this is not the end,
because i still cherish the moments we have together.
I shall post about the chalet now. =D
-30/11/09 to 02/12/09-
I trained to Marsiling to meet Eliza and Mr Tay at around 12plus in the noon. Then Eliza and i head over to Boonlay while Mr Tay went home. We went to decorate Soonkee's birthday cake! The whole process is damn funny because there's a lot of people standing behind us, looking at what we're doing. lOlx. Then we meet up with Soonkee and Kelvin after we're done with the cake. =D The four of us trained all the way to Pasir Ris and meet up with Rongsheng and Jiaqing. Jiaqing went off to find his friends while the rest of us find our way to the chalet. LOL. We board a bus to don't know where and walked all the way to the chalet. We waited at the reception for around an hour because they don't allow us to check in as we don't have our IC. Finally we're able to check in after Rongsheng's dad brought his IC. We slacked and started playing cards again. lOlx. Then Jiahan and Clinton came at night, while some of us went out to meet Chaoteng, Jiaqing and Terry. Around 11plus we sang birthday song for Soonkee! Hahaha! Cut cake, ate and we watched tv, play cards, chit-chat all the way till midnight. LOL. Went back to our own rooms at around 3plus in the morning. Everyone was asleep except Soonkee, Rongsheng, Jiaqing and i. LOL. Didn't went to see sunrise because everyone was sleeping soundly. Hahaha. End up, Jiaqing, Soonkee and i didn't even sleep at all! D; We went out to buy food for bbq at around 11plus while Clinton, Jiahan, Chaoteng and Jiaqing continue sleeping in the chalet. LOL. Came back in the noon and slack again. =X Then Wati came at around 4plus and we started to prepare the things for bbq. There's these insects keep flying into the chalet which made Eliza and i shout non-stop which is damn funny for the rest to see. LOL. There's also this kitten keeps on coming back to our chalet looking for food. Then Mr Tay and Terry came during the night. After our bbq, we started our FOAM WAR! =D LOL! It's damn funn luh! Hahaha! =X Then all of us bathed and head for bedd! I managed to sleep! For 2 and a half hours only though. No sunrise again because it's blocked. D; Super tiredd luh! Woke everyone up at 8.30am to prepare for check out. We went to have our lunch at Macs and home sweet home! =D
Soonkee's 17th birthday cake! =D

Us! After the foam war! =D

Here's some pictures of my hamsters! =D They're back with fur! LOL. No more botak hamsters! LOL! =D
They seems to like sleeping in the wheel. =)

He's falling. LOL.

Munching non-stop! =X
She's the girl! :D
Munch again. LOL.
-Many things have changed in this year, i wonder if it's good or not. Whenever i gain some things, there will also be things that i will be losing. D; No matter what happen, i still cherish whatever i have before and after! =D
Happy 2nd month dar! <3
Woke up by mum in the morning because i need to do packing at the stall. Packed the fruits all the way from around 10.30am to 6plus in the evening! Went to the bus stop to meet Soonkee for awhile after packing for hours. Finally managed to see him for today! Then i went back to the stall after he board the bus. Clean up and head back home! =D
Dar, i'm sorry that i didn't have time to accompany you today. Sorry that i've made you waited so long just to pass me the present. I really love the present a lot! =D
i love you.