Today's PE was so damn hell interesting!
We went down for PE lessons & started playing powerball, then the interesting things begins.
As 4E was late due to their literature, they were unable to get a court.
When they went down, one of them was like 'they took our court'.
Please la. Since when the court belongs to your class only? Does it have your class's name there?
Don't you all know what's first come first serve? -.-
Because they couldn't get a court, they decided to play with us.
Now i regretted sharing the court with them, shouldn't have done it in the first place.
We started the game okay. Then things get rough.
Maybe the way we play powerball is different or what.
When reaching the scoring zone, is not suppose to cross the white line.
If everyone is able to cross the white line, what is there to play when it's the last cone?
Everyone could just stand in front of the last cone & the game will never end.
The 4E girls scored a goal at first, but they've cross over the white line, so not counted right?
Then we told them that it's not suppose to cross the white line, they agreed.
So we continue the game. Then i got elbowed by someone during the game.
& the person don't even bother to apologise.
This is when things get worse. =)
As the game goes on, more people are getting hurt due to roughness of some people.
I'm not blaming everyone in the team for that, just certain people. =)
For almost every goal they scored, they've cross the line.
When we tell them that it's not counted,
That fucker said that 'every goal we score, they are going to say not counted'.
Please make sure that your team members don't cross the line then come talk la.
There's one even more ridiculous! One of them scored a goal,
But i saw half the foot is already over the line. And they just say that they didn't cross it.
The person's feet was like lifted up in the front & not touching it.
Wtf? You think what? Stretching ar? You show me how u score with ur leg like that la!
At the start of the game, we told them that if 2 people from different teams are snatching the ball,
We would settle it with scissors, paper,stone. At least is fair right?
Then someone from the 4E team pushed Zahidah down without apologising too.
& even snatch the ball from her. Wtf. Falling down doesn't mean losing the ball okay?
If that's what you all think then what for agreed with us in the first place?
Now then i realised that even girls can be so rough.
Please think before you open your mouth. f3.
Aren't you all rougher than us? Still dare say us rough. f3.
Did any of you get hurt or injured by us?
Since you all are unhappy then why bother to share court with us?
Somemore is you all wanted to share with us not the other way k?
& please get the rules of the game right before even playing it.
Don't blame others for calling you foul when you don't even know the rules.
The first time i was hit, i'm already pissed as the person don't even apologised.
The second time, i didn't blame anyone at all. So please don't add oil to it.
If any of you think i did blame anyone for the second time i got hit, let me know.
I would like to know how u heard it when i didn't even speak at all.
There's just some fuckers on the team. Others was still okay.
Just surprised that even girls can be so rough, even rougher than guys.
Guys from my class aren't even as rough as them lo. -.-
Next time, we shall not be so kind to share court with you all.
That's not even the last choice that we would choose. =)
Hand was injured during the game. Quite pain when i take things.
Only able to do things with just my right hand. f3.
Wonder if it'll swell tomorrow. =/
That's all for today's 'interesting' day. LOL.